App List
This is a full listing of all the Therapy Apps we have evaluated. To get further details about an App please click on the name of the application you are interested in. To go to the suppliers site click on the App icon.
£ = less than £10, ££ = £10 to £50, £££ = over £50
Advanced Comprehension Therapy | Exercises for working on reading and listening comprehension Exercises for working on written sentence building |
££ |
Advanced Language Therapy | 4 apps in a bundle Exercises to work on understanding, naming, reading & writing
£££ |
Advanced Language Therapy Lite | Free demo app for Advanced Language Therapy Try out exercises for understanding, naming, reading & writing |
Free |
Advanced Naming Therapy | Sentence level activities for speaking and writing with a focus on verbs |
££ |
Advanced Reading Therapy | Exercises for working on paragraph level reading (17-600 words) |
££ |
Advanced Writing Therapy | Exercises for practising writing and spelling |
££ |
AlphaTopics - AAC | Cueing app Keyboard and topics list to help cue a conversation partner into context of spoken conversation |
£ |
Aphasia Therapy Online | Free, online software to work on listening, reading, spelling and saying words Available in English, Arabic, Spanish, Mandarin, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish, Urdu
Free |
Apraxia Therapy | Exercises for practise speaking words and sentences |
££ |
Bilingual Aphasia Test | For Speech & Language Therapists only |
Free |
Category Therapy |
£ |
CommunicAide | AAC app for speaking out words and phrases. Photo based. |
£££ |
Comprehension Aphasia | For working on understanding spoken words and instructions |
££ |
Comprehension Therapy | Understanding spoken and written words Free trial available through the languagetherappy Lite app Available in US and UK English, French, German, Spanish. |
££ |
Comprehension Toolbox | Understanding written and spoken words |
£ |
Constant Therapy - Client version | Exercises to work on all areas of language but also attention, planning, problem solving within everyday situations |
£££ |
Constant Therapy - Clinician version | Exercises to work on all areas of language but also attention, planning, problem solving within everyday situations
Free |
Conversation Therapy | For practising conversation skills and longer spoken or written sentences. Available in English, French, German, Spanish, Dutch, Filipino, Finnish, Italian, Portuguese, Zulu |
££ |
Cue Name-Objects | A picture naming app to practice single word naming of objects. Available in English, Spanish, Chinese (Mandarin), Hindi, Portuguese (Brazilian), Filipino. |
£ |
Cuespeak | Exercises for saying words and sentences and exercises for spelling Exercises for working on word meanings, spelling and understanding sentences |
Free, £ |
iName it | Practise exercises for saying words You need to decide yourself if you said the word correctly, the app doesn’t do it for you |
££ |
Inference Pics | Explain what is happening in a photo and why (inferences) |
£ |
ipracticeverbs | Practice of written and spoken verbs Flashcard exercises Multiple choice exercises |
£ |
Keyword understanding | Exercises for understanding written and spoken directions |
£ |
Language Therapy | 4 bundle app containing Comprehension Therapy, Naming Therapy, Writing Therapy & Reading Therapy Exercises for understanding, naming, spelling and reading |
Free, ££ |
LanguageTherapy Lite | Trial version of 4 apps For more details, see the descriptions for: Comprehension Therapy, Naming Therapy, Reading Therapy and Writing Therapy
Free |
Lexico cognition | Exercises for listen & remember or read and remember Listen to or read describing words |
£ |
Make Write | Free creative writing app |
Free |
More speech | A range of activities to work on listening, reading, writing and speaking This is online software but it behaves like an app when downloaded to a tablet/phone homescreen
££ |
Naming Therapy | Saying words & describing pictures Can add your own words Results can be emailed Free trial available through the Languagetherappy Lite app Available in US and UK English, French, German, Spanish. |
££ |
Number Therapy | Exercises to work on communicating about numbers Available in US and UK English. |
££ |
Parrot record words | Exercises to work on spoken words |
Problem Solve It | Everyday problem solving scenarios and dilemmas |
£ |
React2 Auditory Processing Module | Listening exercises, from pre-word to conversation level. This is not an app but it behaves like one NB: the price guide is for a monthly subscription, not a one-off purchase |
££ |
React2 Life Skills Module | Life skills exercises (money, time, reading) |
£ |
React2 Memory & Sequencing Module |
£ |
React2 Semantics Module |
£ |
React2 Visual Processing Module | Reading and spelling exercises |
££ |
Reading aphasia | Exercises for reading comprehension |
£ |
Reading Rehabilitation Toolkit | Word and phrase level reading exercises |
£ |
Reading Therapy | Reading & understanding sentences & phrases Free trial available through the Languagetherappy Lite app Available in US and UK English, French, German, Spanish |
Free, ££ |
Sentence builder teen | Exercises for building sentences |
£ |
SmallTalk Aphasia | 50 spoken phrases with symbols about: Stroke, Conversation, Phone, Emergency, Meals, Restaurants, Health, Pain scale For use when out & about
Free |
SmallTalk Common Phrases | 34 speech exercise videos for phrases (e.g. call back later, can you write that for me?, speak slowly etc) Videos and voice recordings to copy |
Free |
SmallTalk Consonant Blends | 74 exercises to practise speech sounds Videos and voice recordings to copy |
Free |
SmallTalk conversational phrases | 66 basic spoken phrases with symbols For use when out & about |
Free |
SmallTalk daily activities | 85 spoken phrases with symbols for talking about daily tasks For use in conversations |
Free |
SmallTalk Days, Months, Dates | Speech exercise videos for days of the week, months of the year and numbers 1st to 31st Videos and voice recordings to copy |
Free |
SmallTalk Letters, Numbers, Colors | Speech exercises for letters of the alphabet, numbers 1-20 and 12 colours Videos and voice recordings to copy |
Free |
SmallTalk oral motor exercises | Exercises for lip and mouth movements Video and voice recordings to copy May need some help from a Speech & Language Therapist |
Free |
SmallTalk phonemes | Exercises for speech sounds Videos and sound recordings to copy May need help from a Speech & Language Therapist |
Free |
Speech cards Professional | Photos flashcards of objects to name. You can record your attempts Lite version is free |
Free, ££ |
Speech Flipbook | For working on speech sounds and single words |
£ |
Speech sounds on cue for ipad | Speech exercises for sounds and single words Video and sound recordings to copy Free trial available: speech sounds on cue for ipad lite N.B: only available through the app store, not through the developer's site |
£££ |
Speech sounds on cue for ipad lite | Free trial version of speech sounds on cue for ipad Look at speech sounds on cue for ipad for full description of full app N.B: only available through the app store, not through the developer's site |
Free |
Speech Trainer 3D | Exercises for speech sounds May need help from a Speech & Language Therapist. |
£ |
Talk around It home | Exercises for speaking household object words
Available in English, Spanish, Hindi, Portuguese (Brazilian), Norwegian |
££ |
Talk around It men | Exercises for speaking common words about men |
££ |
Talk around It nature | Exercises for speaking nature words |
££ |
Talk around It person | Exercises for speaking common personal object words |
££ |
TalkPath Therapy | Exercises for practising speaking and repeating words, copying letters and spelling words, listening, and also reading letters, words, sentences and phrases. Also exercises for word meaning, remembering, time, number calculations. |
Free |
VAST songs 1 | 10 songs to practise different speech sounds, rhythms, pace & rates
££ |
VASTtx keywords | Practise 21 speech sounds on their own and in words/phrases
££ |
VASTtx therapy samples | Exercises for speech sounds and mouth movements Video and sound recordings to copy
££ |
Word retrieval | Exercises for working on spoken naming Can record your own spoken attempts |
£ |
Writing Therapy | Spelling exercises 3 levels Results can be emailed Free trial available through the Languagetherappy Lite app Available in US and UK English, French, German, Spanish. |
££ |