
Word or Phrase

Explanation & Use

Augmentative & Alternative Communication

AAC is when you communicate using something other than speech. For example, on an iPad or tablet you may press on a symbol/photo/written word or sentence and the software speaks it out.

  • Useful if you understand symbols or can read but your speech is affected
Sentence AAC choicesBanks of written words that someone who can read but not spell can click on and it will speak out the words/sentences.
Symbol AAC choicesBanks of pictures (for people who can't read or spell). You click on the symbol and it reads a word/sentence out. Useful for non-verbal people and can be used instead of/to augment their speech
Alternative web browsers

They either simplify the information on the website or read aloud what’s on the site.

  • Useful if you struggle to follow more complicated web pages

Cookies are small text files downloaded to your computer when you use a website. 

All websites use cookies. EU law now says that website users must give consent for cookies to be used. The cookies used on this site do not reveal your identity. This site uses cookies to improve your experience on our website and to understand how you use our website, to make it easier for you.

Further information can be found at Information Commissioners Office and All About Cookies

English as a Foreign Language.

These are language exercises designed for people learning English as a foreign language. They can usually be personalised.

  • Useful if you want to do exercises on speaking, spelling, writing, understanding text and understanding speech
Everyday living/Activities of everyday living

These are programs/apps for working on everyday tasks such as planning recipes & shopping, working out money transactions, deciphering facial expressions

  • Useful if you find everyday tasks more difficult due to your aphasia
Functional aids

These are programs/apps which help with everyday activities on a computer
For example: help with reading, help accessing websites, memory aids

  • Useful if you struggle to use standard software
Screen readers

These are programs/apps which read aloud text on the screen.

  • Useful if you can read some text but like to ‘back it up’ with hearing the text spoken. Helpful for reading emails, articles, or text you have written yourself
Text to speech

You type words/sentences and the program/app speaks them aloud.

  • Useful if your speech is affected but your spelling/typing remains quite good

Voice activated assistance 



Voice recognition 
Speech recognition 
Speech to text

This works on smartphonestablets and also smart speakers (such as Amazon EchoGoogle Home). You speak to the device and it speaks back to you or it carries out a command you’ve given it. 


The program/app puts what you say into writing.

  • Useful if your speech is good but you struggle to write/type
Word prediction

As you type, the program/app guesses what you want to say.  Mobile phones use this technology.

  • Useful if you can spell the first few letters of a word and then get stuck