What is voice activated technology?
- Alexa, Siri, Cortana, Google assistant and Bixby are all voice activated technologies.
- They work on smartphones and tablets but also through smart speakers (e.g. Amazon Echo, Google Home).
- You speak to the device and it 'speaks' back to you or it carries out a command you've given it.
- These voice activated technologies use special 'apps' which can be activated. On Alexa devices, these 'apps' are called skills and for Google devices, they are called actions
Possible benefits of this technology for some people with aphasia
- Even if a person has trouble speaking, many people with aphasia can say a few words.
- Most people with aphasia want to improve their speech.
- Voice activated technologies may help some people with aphasia to practise speaking.
- A lot of people now have smart speakers in their homes.
- Voice recognition technology can now understand people with speech difficulties much better than a few years ago.
How might someone with aphasia use it?
To practise useful phrases & questions, for example:
- What is the time?
- What is on the TV tonight?
- What will the weather be like tomorrow?
- Who won the football today?
- How far is it to London?
To practise simple conversations, for example:
- How are you? …I'm fine… How are you feeling today?...I'm feeling well, and you?
- Do you like jazz?...No…I don't like it either…
To practise speech intelligibility, for example:
- speaking at the right pace and with enough clarity.
- recording your speech to listen back.
To support daily activities, for example:
- Make a shopping list
- Set a reminder
- Set an alarm
- Turn on the lights/heating
- Using the free fun games
- practise listening
- following instructions
- saying words
- spelling
- asking questions
At the moment, only Alexa devices include mini games (known as 'skills'). Some people with aphasia may find these fun & useful.
Currently, Google, Siri & Cortana are limited to commands - for example:
- asking what's on TV tonight, setting reminders, asking for a joke, etc…
Below are a few examples of these mini games you find only on Alexa.
- When Google, Siri or Cortana start adding games, we will list them here too.
Skill | Platform | To practice or support | Brief description |
Simon Says | Alexa | Following instructions Remembering instructions | You must follow Alexa's instructions. For example:
Spelling Assistant | Alexa | Spelling |
Animal Game | Alexa | Saying words Listening to questions | Alexa asks you to think of an animal & then asks you questions to guess what you are thinking of.
Memory quiz | Alexa | Hearing & remembering Listening Memory | Alexa tells you a short story.
Feel the pressure | Alexa | Speaking words Word meanings Listening | Alexa gives a letter of the alphabet & then asks a question whose answer begins with that letter For example:
Any list | Alexa | Saying words Word meanings | Ask Alexa, at any time, to add items to a list For example:
True of False | Alexa | Listening Saying True/False | Alexa tells you facts & you must state whether the fact is true or false |
Would you rather? | Alexa | Listening Repeating sentences | Alexa asks questions & you must repeat back which option you would prefer For example:
Escape the room | Alexa | Listening Organisation & planning Remembering information Giving verbal instructions | Alexa describes where you are trapped and you must figure out how to escape. Could be a fun team game |
Magic 8 ball | Alexa | Speaking sentences Asking questions | Ask Alexa random yes/no questions and Alexa will give a response |
The magic door | Alexa | Listening Repeating words | Alexa leads you through a world, describing it for you and asks you to make choices about where to go next |