Oxford Picture Dictionary

Picture dictionary with opportunities to practise simple conversations

Unit 1 is free

Easy to use independently: Fairly
Supplier: https://elt.oup.com/searchresults?q=opd%20app&cc=global&selLanguage=en&searchty…

Just Say It!

Explain a word without using the 6 associated words on the card

Easy to use independently: Yes
Supplier: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/just-say-it!-taboo-like-party/id505515857?mt=8

Parrot word recall

Exercises for working on single word reading and picture recognition

Easy to use independently: Yes
Supplier: http://www.parrotsoftware.com

Advanced word recall

Exercises to work on opposites

Easy to use independently: Yes
Supplier: http://www.parrotsoftware.com/

Conversation Therapy

For practising spoken or written conversations.

Can be used to work on any area of conversation: opinions, descriptions, inferences, definitions, reminiscing, emotions, predictions, story telling or even working on fluency and speech clarity.

Could be used for self practise if the person has a means of recording their speech/writing or could be used during therapy sessions with the therapist.

Results (as rated by the conversation partner) are recorded and can be emailed.

You must have good reading skills to be able to use this app. There are no spoken instructions or prompts.


Easy to use independently: Yes
Supplier: http://tactustherapy.com/apps/conversation/


Attach voice recordings to your photos to tell people about yourself and what you've been doing

Easy to use independently: Yes
Supplier: http://mobile-educationstore.com/apps/narrative-skills/speech-journal

Parrot word finding yes no

Spoken word to picture matching. Written word is also presented.

Click Yes or No to say if the word matches the picture.

Easy to use independently: Yes
Supplier: http://www.parrotsoftware.com

Speech Flipbook

For working on speech sounds and single words

You can record your own speech attempts

Easy to use independently: Yes
Supplier: http://tactustherapy.com/app/speechflipbook/

Comprehension Aphasia

Exercises for working on understanding spoken words and instructions

Easy to use independently: Yes
Supplier: http://www.virtualspeechcenter.com/mobileapps.aspx?cid=4

Sentence Maker

Up to 4 words are presented in anagram form for you to make into a sentence

Spoken word hints and picture hints are available

Easy to use independently: Yes
Supplier: http://grasshopperapps.com