Search List
The apps and software listed here were not designed for people with aphasia but they may help some people to improve their communication, and/or help in every day life. It is not a definitive list, but it is a selection that could be useful.
£ = less than £10, ££ = £10 to £50, £££ = over £50 - We only include a price guide for apps {{ due to the complexity of software pricing }}. Please click on individual icons to go to the retailer for more detail.
A+ spelling test | Practise spelling your own, personalised word lists |
Active Reading | Software for practise reading longer passages Learn topic based vocabulary Practise listening to topic based vocabulary |
AlphaTopics - AAC | Cueing app Keyboard and topics list to help cue a conversation partner into context of spoken conversation |
AudioMemos | Voice recorder Use to record your own speech, record reminders, record conversations Can send recordings via email |
Bitsboard | App for creating customised therapy exercises (spelling, semantics, sequencing) |
CanPlan | Visual calendar & personalised step by step instructions for daily tasks |
Choiceworks calendar | Visual calendar which speaks the events. Alarms can also be set |
Claro ScanPen | Screen reader software Speaks written text aloud for those who find reading difficult |
Claro ScanPen | Screen reader software Speaks written text aloud for those who find reading difficult |
ClaroMagX | Use a smartphone or tablet as a magnifier |
ClaroSpeak | Text to speech. Reads text aloud as you type |
ClaroSpeak | Text to speech. Reads text aloud as you type |
Clicker Writer | Reading & writing tool |
Co:Writer | App and software to help with spelling |
Co:Writer | App and software to help with spelling |
Cognishine | A comprehensive library of activities covering cognition, social emotional skills, language and speech. |
CommunicAide | AAC app for speaking out words and phrases. Photo based. |
Conversation builder Teen | Practise spoken conversations & record them |
Conversation coach | Practising conversations Use your own words and topics Need someone to program in your words and topics
Dial Safe Pro | For practising the dialling of phone numbers and also phone conversations/leaving a message |
Dragon Anywhere | Speech recognition app Speak your text or email messages instead of typing them
Dragon Naturally Speaking | Speech recognition program As you speak into the microphone, the speech is automatically turned into text |
Envision AI | This app describes the world around you . Point the camera at objects, people, text (typed or hand written) & it will speak aloud the writing or the scene it can see |
First Keys 3 | Exercises for finding letters and spelling words |
Fotobabble | Attach voice recordings to your photos When you touch a photo, it speaks out so you can explain your photos and use them in conversation if your speech is affected |
GoTalk Now | AAC app with four page styles for communication: standard (direct tap) , scene (hotspot photos), express (build sentences) , keyboard (type with built in word prediction.
i get it my daily schedules | Photo planner |
i see-quence | Design your own visual daily planners Use photos, text and voice recordings
Useful if you forget how to do things or find it difficult to follow written instructions
icommunicate | For designing visual schedules, story boards, flashcards etc. Use your own photos and sound recordings
Inference Pics | Explain what is happening in a photo and why (inferences) |
Interactive telling time lite | Games for working on telling the time on an analogue clock |
iprompts | For creating visual schedules, visual timers and symbol choices No audio prompts or voice output |
iprompts XL | For creating visual schedules, visual timers and symbol choices No audio prompts or voice output |
iSpeech | Text to speech You can save your messages to use again Useful if you struggle to speak but can type what you want to say |
JABtalk | An AAC app Click on a photo to speak out your message Use your own photos and words Create sentences |
Just Say It! | Explain a word without using the 6 associated words on the card |
Lexico cognition | Exercises for listen & remember or read and remember Listen to or read describing words |
Main Street Memory | Exercises for following auditory instructions within real-life scenarios |
Memorado |
Memory Exercises | Exercises for working on short-term memory, attention, processing and working memory using spoken responses |
Memory Lane Games | Create quiz style games/ word finding activities, based around personal memories. |
MemoryBlock | Memory & sequencing game Watch the coloured squares and sounds and then repeat the pattern |
Minimal Pair Pack | Practise listening to the difference between similar speech sounds 20 different speech sounds to practise Pictures, words or pictures & words together |
Musatcha color filter | A screen filter to make text easier to read |
NaturalReader 10 | Free text to speech program |
NeuronUP | Web based exercises for working on listening, sequencing, emotions, attention |
Our Story2 | App for creating personalised photo stories |
Oxford Picture Dictionary | Picture dictionary with opportunities to practise simple conversations Unit 1 is free |
Penfriend XL | Word prediction |
PhotoMind | Calendar/reminders with photo and written text |
Pictello | Attach speech to your photos When you press on a photo, it speaks out. You can explain your photos and use them in conversation You can use it to tell stories You can also make visual schedulers to remind you how to carry out tasks (e.g. baking a cake) |
Popplet |
Proloquo2go | AAC app using symbols, photos and keyboard with word prediction Ready made vocabularies Create or personalise your own vocabularies
RubyRepeat | A memory game like the 80's game of 'Simon' Repeat the sequence of colours by touching the rubies on the screen |
Say it: English Pronunciation | Practise speaking words and comparing to a model. Rate your own attempts |
Seeing AI | This free app describes the world around you . Point the camera at objects, people, text (typed or hand written) & it will speak aloud the writing or the scene it can see |
Sentence builder teen | Exercises for building sentences |
Sentence Maker | Anagram sentences to put in the correct order |
SmallTalk Common Phrases | 34 speech exercise videos for phrases (e.g. call back later, can you write that for me?, speak slowly etc) Videos and voice recordings to copy |
SmallTalk conversational phrases | 66 basic spoken phrases with symbols For use when out & about |
SmallTalk daily activities | 85 spoken phrases with symbols for talking about daily tasks For use in conversations |
SmallTalk Letters, Numbers, Colors | Speech exercises for letters of the alphabet, numbers 1-20 and 12 colours Videos and voice recordings to copy |
SmallTalk Pain Scale | Symbols showing different levels of pain, different types of pain and parts of the body Press on a symbol and it will speak
SMS/Talk Text Enlarger | Makes your text messages bigger & easier to read |
spacedretrievaltherapy | To work on memory Not for independent use |
Speech Assistant AAC | A basic AAC app Click on a word to speak it out Lists of words to choose from and add your own You need to be able to read single words to use this app |
Speech Tutor | Exercises for practising 20 speech sounds Videos of mouth movements Can record own attempts |
Speechify | Speechify is a text to speech tool.
SpeechJournal | Attach voice recordings to your photos to tell people about yourself and what you've been doing
Spell Better | Gives spelling suggestions as you type Could be useful if you can spell the first few letters of a word before getting stuck Also speaks the words |
Talking Mats | App for SLTs to discuss issues pictorally with people who have communication difficulties It is the digital version of the low-tech Talking Mats |
TippyTalk EDU | App to enable non-verbal and non-literate users to communicate via texting technology |
TouchChat HD | An AAC app with vocabulary specifically for people with aphasia & keyboard with word prediction Click on a symbol/photo to speak out your message Use your own photos, phrases & voice recordings |
Unus Tactus | Photo based phone app Attach photos to your contacts. To call them, just click on their photo Useful for people who struggle to read names |
Verbal Reasoning | Exercises for practise speaking at a sentence or conversation level Exercises to work on problem solving |
Verbally | Keyboard, word banks, phrase banks and word prediction Type your message and speak it out Voice is robotic |
Visual Attention Therapy | Therapy exercises for visual neglect (i.e. when you can only see one side of the screen) Encourages you to look at the whole screen and develop a normal 'looking' pattern |
Voice dream reader | Reads text aloud, word & line highlighting. Option to reduce text area to improve focus. Option to use large font size. Supports PDF documents, ebooks, web pages. Free trial available. |
Vu Bar | A reading bar |
Word Domino | Put 2 dominoes together to make a word 5 categories of words to choose from |
Word Q Speak Q | Help with spelling: word prediction, speech recognition & screen reader |
WordTalk | Free text to speech program |
Write Outloud | Talking word processor |