Type of exercises:

  • Verbal word finding of nouns + whatever you program in yourself (needs to be able to be pictorially represented though)
  • Single word level

Developed with SLT: Yes

Theory based: Yes – evidence based

Record own speaking attempts: Yes

Correction of own speaking attempts: No

Customisation/personalisation: No

Error handling: Yes. Spoken, written & mouth shape video cues given. Only lets you make one mistake

Prompts/cues given: Yes. Written, spoken, video

Tutorials: Yes

Free trial: Yes

Support: Free phone and online support


  • Very repetitive and structured on the basis that this stabilises the brain networks involved in speech
  • User must achieve 6 levels of listening before they start verbal production of practised words
  • User moves on to next level automatically once competent at the previous level
  • If the user makes errors, they are automatically sent back to previous levels
  • Once course is completed, the user can return to any level, any exercises and any words to ‘revise’ items
  • Only have 3-25 secs to respond or the program marks it as a mistake
  • Sentence level exercises encourage use of the practised work in a sentence but not practising the verbal production of whole sentences. Some sentences are unusual e.g. I hate book/I like girl

  British accent

Easy to use independently: Yes
Number of exercises: Very Large
Version: UK English
Access: Mouse, Touchscreen
Record Results: No
Evaluation: Assessment of need & exercises suggested, Clinical trials, Developed with SLT, Free trial, Prompts/cues given, Record own speaking attempts, Theory based, Tutorials