Understanding Questions

Supplier: http://www.bungalowsoftware.com/uq.htm

Type of exercises:

  • Who, what, where, when, why and how multiple choice written questions

Developed with SLT: Yes

Theory based: No

Record own speaking attempts: N/A

Correction of own speaking attempts: N/A

Customisation/personalisation: No

Error handling: Tells you the type of answer you should give to each question type. For example ‘Who questions are about people’

‘When questions are about time’

Prompts/cues given: Yes – as above

Tutorials: No

Free trial: Yes

Support: Free lifetime technical support via phone, email or online livechat


  • Need to be able to read short sentences
Easy to use independently: Yes
Number of exercises: Small
Version: American English
Access: Keyboard, Mouse, Touchscreen
Record Results: Yes
Evaluation: Developed with SLT, Free trial, Prompts/cues given