

This website has information about apps and software programs in the English language for people with aphasia.

  • We aim to help people with aphasia to find apps and software that may be useful to them.
  • We aim to help aphasia professionals have a detailed overview of what software and apps are available to help people with aphasia.

Please watch the Welcome video for an overview of the website.

Please scroll down this page to see all the information.

Help videos: many pages have videos which explain how the page works on a Mac and on a PC.

Smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices work differently. For mobile devices the explanations on the videos can be helpful, but not all the screen shots are relevant.

We have made the first page on the website as aphasia friendly as possible. This has been done without compromising the purpose of the site.

When you click on this icon it will take you to a new page 


When you click on this icon it will take you to more detailed information


Each aphasia app and software is described in 2 ways:

  • the first is as aphasia friendly as possible without compromising the purpose of the site. When you click on this icon it will take you to an aphasia friendly page       
  • the second is aimed at the aphasia professional and has more detailed information. When you click on this icon it will take you to more detailed information.      


Please explore the website to discover other information that may be useful to you:

  • General apps and software. (These are not designed for people with aphasia but may be useful). We don't provide an analysis of these, just a short description. We also show what platforms they work on
  • Links to useful websites, resources or organisations that can help with using computers
  • List of published research about computer therapy for people with aphasia
  • Information about who runs the site and how we do it


This website is free to use. It has no connection with any app or software provider. It is funded by a charity, TheTavistock Trust for Aphasia but if you wish to support us

there is a donate button at the bottom of each page.

If you need help to use this website click here.


The Tavistock Trust for Aphasia and the Aphasia Software Finder Team would like to thank Mrs. Charmaine Mallinckrodt and the Eranda Rothschild Foundation for their generous support.


NB: we are committed to keeping all links up to date, but occasionally suppliers and others change their web settings. If you have problems with any links on this website, please use the feedback button to let us know.