i see-quence

SLT Summary

Design your own visual daily planners

Use photos, text and voice recordings

  • break down an activity into steps (e.g. making tea)
  • design an activity planner for each day

Useful if you forget how to do things or find it difficult to follow written instructions

Aphasia Summary

Design your own visual daily planners

Use photos, text and voice recordings

  • break down an activity into steps (e.g. making tea)
  • design an activity planner for each day

Useful if you forget how to do things or find it difficult to follow written instructions

Type of Software
Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
Site Icon
icon Summary

Design your own visual daily planners

Use photos, text and voice recordings

  • break down an activity into steps (e.g. making tea)
  • design an activity planner for each day

Useful if you forget how to do things or find it difficult to follow written instructions


Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial