Type of exercises:
- Word or sentence level speaking.
- Spoken conversation phrases
- Describing pictures
- Answering Yes/No questions
- Turning statements into questions
Developed with SLT: Yes
Theory based: No
Record own speaking attempts: Yes
Correction of own speaking attempts: No
Customisation/personalisation: Yes. Can modify the exercises provided or create your own. Opportunity to create exercises around specific sounds, not just words and phrases
Error handling: None
Prompts/cues given: Written model, spoken model, written cues, can provide own for customised exercises
Tutorials: No
Free trial: Yes
Support: Free lifetime technical support via phone, email or online livechat
Comments: Can customise or modify exercises so can use an alternative accent
Exercises provided are Americanised
Type of exercises:
- sentence level Speaking:
- Words
- Conversations
- Describing pictures
- Answering Yes/No questions
Record own speech: Yes
Correction of own speech: No
Can use own words?: Yes
Help given: Yes
Tutorials: No
Free trial: Yes
Support: Free
Comments: Can make or change exercises so can use a different accent
Exercises provided are American