Aphasia Treatment Software


SLT Summary

Practice conversation in real world scenarios using AI avatars

Choose between pre built and 'make your own' scenarios eg coffee shop/ job interview

Track progress through statistical feedback and track improvement over time.

Only available on desktop

Aphasia Summary

Practice conversation with an interactive avatar.

Make your own or use inbuilt scenarios, such as coffee shop, job interview, doctors surgery etc.

Get statistical feedback on your progress

Only available on desktop


Type of Software
Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
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Practice conversation in real world scenarios using AI avatars

Choose between pre built and 'make your own' scenarios 

Receive statistics on your improvements

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

Project QWERTY

SLT Summary

Free software designed for people living with aphasia.

Practice spelling/ typing

Access via mouse or touch screen

Range of categories: social media, text messaging, online shopping, frequently used words

Personalise with own word categories

Collate results across tasks

Choose level of support / difficulty

Aphasia Summary

Free software designed for people living with aphasia.

Practice spelling/ typing

Access via mouse or touch screen

Range of categories: social media, text messaging, online shopping, frequently used words

Personalise with own word categories

Collate results across tasks

Choose level of support / difficulty

Type of Software
Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
Site Icon
icon Summary

Typing and spelling practice designed for people living with aphasia

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial


SLT Summary

Work on answering questions with help

Questions on current affairs, updated weekly

Work on asking questions and social phrases

Work on people’s names with video and spelling practice

Spelling with sounds

Letter spelling

Rhyme judgement

Reading tasks

Matching tasks

Sentence processing (e.g reversible sentence ordering)

Written & spoken sentence building

Semantic associations

Tasks for working on verbs in a sentence context

Conversation starters

Articulation: 5000+ videos of target words and phrases, including breakdown into individual syllables & phonemes

Features a communication props drawer with maps, drawing board, numbers, time 

Multiple ways to create hierarchies (e.g. according to word length, sound, frequency, number of phonemes)

Video tutorials are provided to demonstrate how the app works & each exercise has its own tutorial to demonstrate how to complete the exercises

Can create multiple therapy sessions and can share sessions over internet

Error handling: Wrong answers are removed; the response is read aloud for the user to judge;  contextual information is given

Prompts/cues: Closure cues; spoken word

Record results: Results are shown after the session with % of items completed correctly. Can request additional details about accuracyspeed and help requested. Results can also be emailed to the clinician.

Option to break up sentence level questions into chunks to support reading and listening


  • Can choose option for items to remain on the screen until the user moves onto the next exercise (i.e. no automatic scrolling onto the next item).  This is useful when used in therapy to discuss the user’s response
  • Advanced settings for SLT to designate exercise features for each exercise set
  • Remote management/allocation of exercises and results

Free version, monthly subscription option, 1 & 3 year subscription options

Aphasia Summary

Includes a comprehensive range of exercises, including:

Work on answering questions 

Questions on current affairs, updated weekly

Spelling with sounds

Reading tasks

Written & spoken sentence building

Tasks for working on verbs in a sentence context

Conversation starters

Video tutorials are provided

Record results

Free version, monthly subscription option, 1 & 3 year subscription options



Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
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Exercises for saying words and sentences and exercises for spelling

Exercises for working on word meanings, spelling and understanding sentences

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

Verbal naming

SLT Summary

Type of exercises & brief description:

Photos of nouns are presented for confrontation, verbal naming.  There are 20 items in each exercise set and a total of 10 exercise sets which must be purchased individually

Speech recognition software is used to assess whether the spoken attempt was correct


If the first attempt isn’t recognised, an initial, written letter is provided. If the second attempt isn’t recognised, the word is spoken and written and the user moves to the next item automatically

Record results:

Results are shown at the end of the session. In order to receive results, the professional license must be purchased


  •  It is difficult to identify what some of the photographs are of
  • The items are always presented in the same order
  • Not all regional accents or dysarthric speech are recognised. 
Aphasia Summary

Naming app.  Photos are presented, you must use the microphone to say the word

Area Targeted
Type of Software
Easy to use independently
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Naming app.  Photos are presented, you must use the microphone to say the word

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

More speech

SLT Summary




More speech


Type of exercises:


•    3 auditory discrimination activities

•    15 listening activities (single word to sentence level)

•    18 reading activities (letter to phrase level)

•    11 writing activities (copying to whole word phrase completion

•    5 speaking activities (naming & completion tasks)

•    9 graded apraxia exercises

•    4 levels within each activity module

•    All of the listening, reading & writing exercises can be accessed under the memory exercises but there is a delay before responses are required (i.e. to work on auditory/working/visual memory)



Touchscreen or keyboard & mouse


Developed with SLT:



Theory based:



Record own speaking attempts:



Correction of own speaking attempts:



Number of exercises:

Over 5,000


Easy to use?






Error handling:



Prompts/cues given:

Text hints for some exercises


Record results:

Yes but only % score, no detail



Yes, video tutorial


Free trial:

Yes, 14 day free trial






US accent

•    Distractors are unrelated (i.e. not visual/semantic/phonemic)

•    Some exercises work on a combination of skills (e.g. auditory memory + semantics)

•    Can’t record spoken attempts


Supplier details:



Aphasia Summary

A range of activities to work on listeningreadingwriting and speaking

Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
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A range of activities to work on listening, reading, writing and speaking

This is online software but it behaves like an app when downloaded to a tablet/phone homescreen


Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

Aphasia scripts

SLT Summary

20 pre-recorded scripts (10 basic and 10 more advanced) are provided for the person with aphasia to practice.  

The SLT can also record personalised scripts using Aphasia scripts editor software which are then downloaded onto the person with aphasia's  player version of the software at home.

First, the user listens to the whole conversation; second the user practices each sentence of the conversation repeatedly; and third, the entire conversation is rehearsed in turn-taking with the virtual therapist.  There is a play back option so the person with aphasia can listen back to their performance.

Aphasia Summary

Practise for speaking specific, scripted talks

Area Targeted
Type of Software
Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
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icon Summary

Practise for speaking specific, scripted talks

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

Aphasia Therapy Online

SLT Summary

Program: Aphasia therapy online

Type of exercises:

  • listening (auditory/word matching, auditory/picture matching, spell a spoken word, auditory letter discrimination)
  • reading (single words & short phrases, matching upper/lower case letters, answering simple, written Y/N questions, auditory letter discrimination)
  • spelling (picture naming & spelling spoken words)
  • written picture naming, spoken picture naming

Access: keyboard & mouse

Developed with SLT: yes

Theory based: no

Record own speaking attempts: no

Correction of own speaking attempts: no

Number of exercises: several levels and 40-50 items per exercise

Easy to use? yes

Customisation/personalisation: no

Error handling: only 1 error is allowed before answer is given, to prevent errorful learning 

Prompts/cues given: initial letter/semantic cue, can limit word length

Record results: no

Tutorials: no

Free trial: program is free

Support: from the SLT who developed it

Comments: user must make own judgement of whether spoken naming was correct. No spoken models are provided to make this judgment

Languages: In addition to English, this resource is available in both European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese - either the therapy tasks or the entire website as preferred.

Aphasia Summary

Free, online software to work on listening, reading, spelling and saying words

Available in English, European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese.

Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
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Free, online software to work on listening, reading, spelling and saying words

Available in  English, Arabic, Spanish, Mandarin, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish, Urdu


Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

Parrot record words

SLT Summary

Picture naming tasks where the person can record their own spoken attempt


Aphasia Summary

Exercises to work on spoken words

Area Targeted
Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
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Exercises to work on spoken words

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

Parrot word finding yes no

SLT Summary

Spoken word to picture matching. Written word is also presented.

Click Yes or No to say if the word matches the picture.


Developed with SLT: Yes

Theory based: No, based on clinician experience

Record own speaking attempts: N/A

Correction of own speaking attempts: N/A

Easy to use?: Yes but can be confusing because sometimes when you click on 'No', the computer says 'Yes' as the reward for a correct response.

Customisation/personalisation: No

Error handling: None

Prompts/cues given: None

Record results: Yes

Tutorials: Yes, online

Free trial: Yes but not the complete program

Support: Via Livechat or the suppliers can take over the user’s PC. All support takes place 9am-5pm New York time.



  • The online subscription allows access to all the modules available so as the user progresses they don’t need to purchase new modules. It feels like an app when downloaded on an ipad
  • The CD version has more functions than the internet version
  • Remote access to results is possible as long as the SLT has the user’s login & password.

    Voice is American and computer generated
    No visual rewards for correct answers

Easy to use independently:  Yes


Number of exercises: Large


Version: American


Access: Keyboard, Mouse, Touchscreen


Record Results: Yes

Supplier: http://www.parrotsoftware.com 

Aphasia Summary

Spoken word to picture matching. Written word is also presented.

Click Yes or No to say if the word matches the picture.

Area Targeted
Type of Software
Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
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Understanding spoken single words/word to picture matching

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

Advanced word recall

SLT Summary

Type of exercises:

  • Finding antonyms (fill in the blank)

Developed with SLT: Yes

Theory based: No, based on clinician experience

Record own speaking attempts: N/A

Correction of own speaking attempts: N/A

Easy to use? Yes

Customisation/personalisation: No

Error handling: None

Prompts/cues given: First sound, similes

Tutorials: Yes, online

Free trial: free trial available through Advanced Language Therapy Lite app

Support: Via Livechat or the suppliers can take over the user’s PC. All support takes place 9am-5pm New York time


  • The online subscription allows access to all the modules available so as the user progresses they don’t need to purchase new modules. It feels like an app when downloaded on an ipad
  • The CD version has more functions than the internet version
  • Remote access to results is possible as long as the SLT has the user’s login & password.


    US terminology/vocabulary

Aphasia Summary

Exercises to work on opposites

Area Targeted
Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
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Exercises to work on opposites

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial