Conversation Rules (pragmatics)


SLT Summary

Practice conversation in real world scenarios using AI avatars

Choose between pre built and 'make your own' scenarios eg coffee shop/ job interview

Track progress through statistical feedback and track improvement over time.

Only available on desktop

Aphasia Summary

Practice conversation with an interactive avatar.

Make your own or use inbuilt scenarios, such as coffee shop, job interview, doctors surgery etc.

Get statistical feedback on your progress

Only available on desktop


Type of Software
Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
Site Icon
icon Summary

Practice conversation in real world scenarios using AI avatars

Choose between pre built and 'make your own' scenarios 

Receive statistics on your improvements

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

Inference Pics

SLT Summary

Exercises to encourage inference making from photos of real-life situations (places, events, feelings, situations etc.)

200 pictures are included in 7 exercise formats: what happened? Jobs, places, seasons, feelings, conversations & thoughts.  For each photo, the user is asked to make an inference about the picture (the user can request 3 multiple choice options if they are struggling to make the inference). They are then asked 'How do you know?' (no prompts are given for this part of the exercise).

Could be used to ellicit spoken or written responses

Could be useful when working with people with TBI or as conversation topics

Results are not stored in-app but can be emailed each time an exercise is completed. 

Results are reliant on the user correctly self-rating whether they were correct or not (if they are using the app independently)




Aphasia Summary

Explain what is happening in a photo and why (inferences)

Area Targeted
Type of Software
Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
Site Icon
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Explain what is happening in a photo and why (inferences)

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial


SLT Summary

Work on answering questions with help

Questions on current affairs, updated weekly

Work on asking questions and social phrases

Work on people’s names with video and spelling practice

Spelling with sounds

Letter spelling

Rhyme judgement

Reading tasks

Matching tasks

Sentence processing (e.g reversible sentence ordering)

Written & spoken sentence building

Semantic associations

Tasks for working on verbs in a sentence context

Conversation starters

Articulation: 5000+ videos of target words and phrases, including breakdown into individual syllables & phonemes

Features a communication props drawer with maps, drawing board, numbers, time 

Multiple ways to create hierarchies (e.g. according to word length, sound, frequency, number of phonemes)

Video tutorials are provided to demonstrate how the app works & each exercise has its own tutorial to demonstrate how to complete the exercises

Can create multiple therapy sessions and can share sessions over internet

Error handling: Wrong answers are removed; the response is read aloud for the user to judge;  contextual information is given

Prompts/cues: Closure cues; spoken word

Record results: Results are shown after the session with % of items completed correctly. Can request additional details about accuracyspeed and help requested. Results can also be emailed to the clinician.

Option to break up sentence level questions into chunks to support reading and listening


  • Can choose option for items to remain on the screen until the user moves onto the next exercise (i.e. no automatic scrolling onto the next item).  This is useful when used in therapy to discuss the user’s response
  • Advanced settings for SLT to designate exercise features for each exercise set
  • Remote management/allocation of exercises and results

Free version, monthly subscription option, 1 & 3 year subscription options

Aphasia Summary

Includes a comprehensive range of exercises, including:

Work on answering questions 

Questions on current affairs, updated weekly

Spelling with sounds

Reading tasks

Written & spoken sentence building

Tasks for working on verbs in a sentence context

Conversation starters

Video tutorials are provided

Record results

Free version, monthly subscription option, 1 & 3 year subscription options



Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
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Exercises for saying words and sentences and exercises for spelling

Exercises for working on word meanings, spelling and understanding sentences

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

Parrot Cognitive Reasoning Module

SLT Summary

Type of exercises:

  • Category discrimination & reasoning (semantics)
  • Category naming & completion (semantics)
  • Cause & effect (what would happen if…)
  • Conditional statements (if X then Y…)
  • Deductive reasoning (semantics)
  • Form & function (semantics)
  • Inferential naming (semantics)
  • Logical thinking
  • Problem solving (pragmatics)
  • Reasons why (pragmatics)
  • Situation Reasoning (pragmatics)
  • Things in common (semantics)

Access: Mouse for all exercises except inferential naming which also requires keyboard

Developed with SLT: Yes

Theory based: No, based on clinician experience

Record own speaking attempts: N/A

Correction of own speaking attempts: N/A

Easy to use? No. The user must click on an answer, then click again to input their answer and then click again to move onto the next question.

The internet subscription exercises are very slow to accept the answer making multiple activations possible and therefore potentially confusing.

Customisation/personalisation: No

Error handling: None

Prompts/cues given: None

Tutorials: Yes

Free trial: Yes but not the complete program

Support: Via Livechat. The suppliers can also log onto the user’s computer. Support takes place 9am-5pm New York time


  • The online subscription allows access to all the modules available so as the user progresses they don’t need to purchase new modules. It feels like an app when downloaded on an ipad
  • The CD version has more functions than the internet subscription version
  • A download version exists for $19.95 per program but works only on Windows, not mac
  • The pragmatics exercises are aimed at ‘what if’ scenarios
  • Remote access to results is possible as long as the SLT has the user’s login & password.

    US terminology
    Voice is American and computer generated
    Need single word/simple sentence level reading or good auditory comprehension to complete the tasks
    US terminology & vocabulary
    No visual rewards for correct answers

Aphasia Summary

Type of exercises:

  • Putting things in categories
  • What happens if…
  • If…then…
  • Word meanings
  • Problem solving
  • Reasons why

Access: Mouse (for all exercises except inferential naming which also requires keyboard)

Can use own words?: No

Help given: No

Free trial: Yes

Support: Free


  • Online subscription allows access to ALL modules so as you improve, you don’t need to buy new modules
  • The CD version has more functions than the internet version
  • Speech and Language Therapist can access results on your computer via the internet

    American words
    American, computer voice
    Need good reading or good listening

Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
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Exercises on problem solving, word meanings and categorising

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

React2 Life Skills Module

SLT Summary

Type of exercises:

  • Money
  • Time
  • Functional Reading
  • Pragmatics

Developed with SLT: Yes

Theory based: Based on SLT experience

Record own speaking attempts: N/A

Correction of own speaking attempts: N/A

Customisation/personalisation: No

Error handling: None

Prompts/cues given: None

Tutorials: Yes

Free trial: Yes

Support: Free lifetime technical support via phone, email or online livechat


  • Money – recognising, matching, calculating costs & change, solving money problems
  • Clock – setting clock faces, solving time problems (including days, months & years)
  • Functional Reading – e.g. labels, menus, receipts, adverts etc with multiple choice answers.
  • Pragmatics – intonation, idioms, getting your message across and choosing what you would do/say in social situations

    Module covers very different skills at very different levels.
    Some exercises need good listening skills, some need reading skills and some need both
    Big difference in the number of exercises for each section. E.g. the clock problems have over 1000 exercises but the pragmatics only has 200
    British accent.

This program can be purchased as a monthly subscription which gives access to all the modules. This may work out cheaper than purchasing the stand alone module, depending on how long it is needed for. A stand alone, offline version exists for those without internet access.

Supplier: React


Aphasia Summary

Type of exercises:

  • Money
  • Time
  • Reading
  • Conversation rules
  • Can use own words?: No

Help given: No

Record results: Yes

Free trial: Yes

Support: Free


  • Money – recognising, matching, calculating costs & change
  • Time – setting a clock + days, months & years
  • Reading – e.g. labels, menus, receipts, adverts
  • Conversation rules – intonation, getting your message across, choosing what you would do/say

    Covers very different skills at very different levels.
    Some exercises need good listening, some need good reading and some need both
    British accent

Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
Site Icon
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Life skills exercises (money, time, reading)

This is not an app but behaves like one.

NB: the price guide is for a monthly subscription, not a one-off purchase

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial