Remote exercise updates

Constant Therapy - Clinician version

SLT Summary

60 tasks with a functional bias to work on:

  • Auditory comprehension (sounds/words/paragraphs/rhyming/auditory instructions)
  • Speech (word repetition, picture naming, reading aloud)
  • Semantics (written & spoken)
  • Spelling (picture naming, copying, anagrams, auditory naming)
  • Reading (picture-word matching, reading comprehension, written lexical decision making)
  • Attention
  • Visual processing
  • Time telling
  • Map reading
  • Cognitive function
  • Problem solving
  • Planning
  • Reading & understanding numbers

There are 2 versions of the therapy app - a user version & a clinician version

In the clinician version, the clinician can remotely edit exercise sets and access results


Supplier: Constant


Aphasia Summary

Exercises to work on all areas of language, but also attentionplanning and problem solving within everyday situations


Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
Site Icon
icon Summary

Exercises to work on all areas of language but also attentionplanningproblem solving within everyday situations


Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial


SLT Summary

Web based suite of exercises designed for cognitive rehabilitation.  Each activity has 2-5 levels of difficulty.

Language activities:

Auditory comprehension (true/fase) tasks, including some very high level activities

Written sequencing tasks where the user is required to put steps for an activity in order (3-16 steps, depending on the level)

Picture-adjective; picture-noun and picture-verb matching activities, including some very high level tasks

Functional, object-location matching tasks

Language based executive functioning activities:

Written decision-making tasks 

Written reasoning of consquences tasks

There are also social cognition tasks including inferring facial expressions & inferring emotional reactions 

Error handling: none

Prompts/cues: none

Record results: yes, and they can be accessed remotely

Free trial: yes, a 10 day trial is available

Comments: Latency is measured for most exercises.  Although a large number of rehab areas are listed, some contain no activities (e.g. expression, naming, fluency, writing). Although reading activities are listed, it is simply matching digits to written numbers. Alot of the exercises rely on very good reading comprehension (e.g. decision making, time estimation, reasoning of consequences, task sequencing). On some activities, the user is unable to amend their response before submitting it (e.g. on task sequencing exercises). 



Aphasia Summary

Exercises to work on listening, sequencing, emotions, attention

Type of Software
Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
Site Icon
icon Summary

Web based exercises for working on listening, sequencing, emotions, attention

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

TippyTalk EDU

SLT Summary

Customiseable app to enable the non-verbal/non-literate user to send text messages to designated communication partners

The user presses a sequence of 2 messages to be automatically sent by text to the communication partner of their choice. All messages are represented by a picture/photo (e.g. I need shopping, please get me some apples)

Pictures, text labels and spoken labels can all be customised

App can be modified remotely (i.e. SLT/carer can change messages on a desktop and it will be immediately available to the user on their tablet/phone)

Aphasia Summary

App for sending texts to friends & family for non-verbal and non-literate users

Type of Software
Easy to use independently
Site Icon
icon Summary

App to enable non-verbal and non-literate users to communicate via texting technology

Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial


SLT Summary

Work on answering questions with help

Questions on current affairs, updated weekly

Work on asking questions and social phrases

Work on people’s names with video and spelling practice

Spelling with sounds

Letter spelling

Rhyme judgement

Reading tasks

Matching tasks

Sentence processing (e.g reversible sentence ordering)

Written & spoken sentence building

Semantic associations

Tasks for working on verbs in a sentence context

Conversation starters

Articulation: 5000+ videos of target words and phrases, including breakdown into individual syllables & phonemes

Features a communication props drawer with maps, drawing board, numbers, time 

Multiple ways to create hierarchies (e.g. according to word length, sound, frequency, number of phonemes)

Video tutorials are provided to demonstrate how the app works & each exercise has its own tutorial to demonstrate how to complete the exercises

Can create multiple therapy sessions and can share sessions over internet

Error handling: Wrong answers are removed; the response is read aloud for the user to judge;  contextual information is given

Prompts/cues: Closure cues; spoken word

Record results: Results are shown after the session with % of items completed correctly. Can request additional details about accuracyspeed and help requested. Results can also be emailed to the clinician.

Option to break up sentence level questions into chunks to support reading and listening


  • Can choose option for items to remain on the screen until the user moves onto the next exercise (i.e. no automatic scrolling onto the next item).  This is useful when used in therapy to discuss the user’s response
  • Advanced settings for SLT to designate exercise features for each exercise set
  • Remote management/allocation of exercises and results

Free version, monthly subscription option, 1 & 3 year subscription options

Aphasia Summary

Includes a comprehensive range of exercises, including:

Work on answering questions 

Questions on current affairs, updated weekly

Spelling with sounds

Reading tasks

Written & spoken sentence building

Tasks for working on verbs in a sentence context

Conversation starters

Video tutorials are provided

Record results

Free version, monthly subscription option, 1 & 3 year subscription options



Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
Site Icon
icon Summary

Exercises for saying words and sentences and exercises for spelling

Exercises for working on word meanings, spelling and understanding sentences

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

Advanced Comprehension Therapy

SLT Summary


Name of app

Advanced comprehension therapy

Type of exercises & brief description       


Written and auditory comprehension exercises, and sentence building exercises


730 items


3 modes: Identify (picture matching), Build (sentence building) & Follow (follow directions). Each set of exercises has 12-16 levels



10-730 items can be selected per exercise


A tutorial is provided to demonstrate how the app can be used



Error handling



In practise exercises, semantic, first letter, written word &  phonemic cues to choose from

Record results

Results are shown after the session with % of items named correctly with and without cues. It also highlights the cues used. Results can be emailed to a designated address.




App store & Google Play store


·       There is only one version for UK, US, Aus and there are a few American words (e.g. zipper, fries, cookies)

·       The results recorded are reliant on the user self monitoring and knowing whether they named the item correctly or not. There is no facility for recording speech attempts and the app itself does not determine level of accuracy. This app would therefore not be appropriate for independent use by someone with poor self monitoring

FREE TRIAL available through Advanced Language Therapy Lite app



Supplier: Tactus


Aphasia Summary

Exercises for working on reading and listening comprehension

Exercises for working on written sentence building

Exercises include: Match pictures to sentences, arrange words in sentences, follow directions.

Adjustable settings to match user needs: difficulty level, colour, speech rate, written/audio word

Record speech and listen back.

Scores and results page for each exercise and email results facility

Free user guide to download



Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
Site Icon
icon Summary

Exercises for working on reading and listening comprehension

Exercises for working on written sentence building

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

Active Reading

SLT Summary

6 levels of reading, listening and topic vocabulary exercises for those with moderate to mild reading difficulties who are keen to practise independently

Within each level, there are 10 everyday topics (e.g. making a journey, reading a paper, reading an email, how to lose weight), each with 6 different exercise sets

Web based program - exercises can be allocated remotely & results can be accessed by the SLT remotely

The clinician purchases a yearly license and patients have free access to the software on a computer or via an app on a tablet or phone device

The software is designed for learners of English as a foreign language but can be useful for people with aphasia

Aphasia Summary

Software for practise reading, listening and learning topic based vocabulary

Type of Software
Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
Site Icon
icon Summary

Software for practise reading longer passages

Learn topic based vocabulary

Practise listening to topic based vocabulary

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

Constant Therapy - Client version

SLT Summary

60 tasks with a functional bias to work on:

  • Auditory comprehension (sounds/words/paragraphs/rhyming/auditory instructions)
  • Speech (word repetition, picture naming, reading aloud)
  • Semantics (written & spoken)
  • Spelling (picture naming, copying, anagrams, auditory naming)
  • Reading (picture-word matching, reading comprehension, written lexical decision making)
  • Attention
  • Visual processing
  • Time telling
  • Map reading
  • Cognitive function
  • Problem solving
  • Planning
  • Reading & understanding numbers

There are 2 versions of the therapy app - a client version & a clinician version.  The clinician version is free. The client version requires a yearly subscription.


Supplier: Constant


Aphasia Summary

Exercises to work on all areas of language, but also attention, planning and problem solving within everyday situations

Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
Site Icon
icon Summary

Exercises to work on all areas of language but also attention, planning, problem solving within everyday situations

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

Step by Step V5

SLT Summary

Type of exercises:

  • Verbal and written naming of nouns, verbs, adjectives (e.g. people, weather, hobbies, nature, clothes+ customised/personalised vocab  (needs to be able to be pictorially represented))
  • Single word and sentence level spoken word finding
  • Word level semantics
  • Spoken repetition exercises
  • The My Words suite of exercises uses the words the user is practising in a range of different exercises in order to intensively work on the same words in different exerise formats (e.g. matching, repetition, naming, spelling)
  • Up to 10 levels of exercise, gradually increasing in complexity
  • Assessment items provided to gauge start level & vocabulary

Developed with SLT: Yes

Theory based: Yes. Lots of evidence to support this software, some of which is on the research evidence page of this site

Record own speaking attempts: Yes

Correction of own speaking attempts: No

Customisation/personalisation: Yes

Error handling: Yes. Spoken, written, phonemic & video cues given, options reduced & then correct answer provided to copy. Can’t make more than 2 consecutive errors.  Clinician can specifiy degree of accuracy required before the program automatically moves the person onto the next level of exercises or moves them to an easier level of exercise

Prompts/cues given: Yes. Written, spoken, video, phonemic

Tutorials: Yes. Comprehensive, step by step video tutorials provided for each section of the software for both users and clinicians

Free trial: Yes

Support: Free phone support & in-program video tutorials


  • Sentence level: e.g. incorporating the word ‘tea’ into the sentence ‘I would like a cup of …’
  • Assessment stimuli can be used as a start guide and for re-assessment of progress
  • Gradual building of skills through graded exercises. User moves on to next level automatically once competent at the previous level (SLT can set the criteria for when to move them on). Equally, if they fail to achieve a certain % the SLT can set the facility to automatically provide an easier level of exercise
  • Can remotely update and download exercises & results (with the clinician version of the software)
  • There is the facility to write therapy notes within the program if the clinician is doing the exercise with the user
  • Personalised vocabulary and photos can be programmed and the clinician can provide the phonemic cue (phonetic keyboard provided) & a video of mouth shapes as well as sentence level examples of the word's use


  British accent


Aphasia Summary

Type of exercises:

  • Saying words
  • Spelling words
  • Understanding words

Use your own words: Yes

Help given: Yes. Written, spoken and video help

Free trial: Yes

Support: Free


  • When you have improved, it automatically moves you up to the next level
  • Your Speech and Language Therapist can give you more exercises and see your results over the internet


  British accent


Area Targeted
Type of Software
Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
Site Icon
icon Summary

Exercises for working on saying and spelling words 

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial