Speech Recognition


SLT Summary

A comprehensive library of activities covering cognition, social emotional skills, language and speech.

Activities intend to enhance receptive and expressive language skills, social communication skills/pragmatics, speech sound production, and cognitive abilities.

Some customisable access features, including cursor type and english accents. Also available in German, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Hebrew. More languages to be added soon.

Self practice report


Aphasia Summary

Activities aimed at supporting:

Cognition: memory, sequencing, planning, recall, general knowledge

Language: word naming, auditory comprehension, picture description, story telling,

Speech: practice sounds, select specific sounds to practice

Social emotional: point of view, inference, identifying emotions

Type of Software
Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
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A comprehensive library of activities covering cognition, social emotional skills, language and speech.

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

Listen In

SLT Summary

Aims to improve understanding of spoken word.

Includes 800 words - presented singularly or in a sentence

Gamified activities - match spoken words to pictures.

Choose sets of words to practice

Part of a current clinical trial - can choose to participate in research during use of app - or decline.

Tested in clinical trial with 30 participants living with aphasia. They compelted 85 hours practice over 12 week period. 31% imprvement seen for practiced words.

Aphasia Summary

Improve understanding of spoken words

Single words and sentences

Gamified activities

Part of a research project


Area Targeted
Type of Software
Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
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Aims to improve understanding of spoken word

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

Constant Therapy - Clinician version

SLT Summary

60 tasks with a functional bias to work on:

  • Auditory comprehension (sounds/words/paragraphs/rhyming/auditory instructions)
  • Speech (word repetition, picture naming, reading aloud)
  • Semantics (written & spoken)
  • Spelling (picture naming, copying, anagrams, auditory naming)
  • Reading (picture-word matching, reading comprehension, written lexical decision making)
  • Attention
  • Visual processing
  • Time telling
  • Map reading
  • Cognitive function
  • Problem solving
  • Planning
  • Reading & understanding numbers

There are 2 versions of the therapy app - a user version & a clinician version

In the clinician version, the clinician can remotely edit exercise sets and access results


Supplier: Constant


Aphasia Summary

Exercises to work on all areas of language, but also attentionplanning and problem solving within everyday situations


Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
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Exercises to work on all areas of language but also attentionplanningproblem solving within everyday situations


Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

Constant Therapy - Client version

SLT Summary

60 tasks with a functional bias to work on:

  • Auditory comprehension (sounds/words/paragraphs/rhyming/auditory instructions)
  • Speech (word repetition, picture naming, reading aloud)
  • Semantics (written & spoken)
  • Spelling (picture naming, copying, anagrams, auditory naming)
  • Reading (picture-word matching, reading comprehension, written lexical decision making)
  • Attention
  • Visual processing
  • Time telling
  • Map reading
  • Cognitive function
  • Problem solving
  • Planning
  • Reading & understanding numbers

There are 2 versions of the therapy app - a client version & a clinician version.  The clinician version is free. The client version requires a yearly subscription.


Supplier: Constant


Aphasia Summary

Exercises to work on all areas of language, but also attention, planning and problem solving within everyday situations

Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
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Exercises to work on all areas of language but also attention, planning, problem solving within everyday situations

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

Dragon Anywhere

SLT Summary

Speech recognition app

Speak your text or email messages instead of typing them

Could be used to replace typing/writing or used in conjunction. The person could type parts of a message and dictate other parts

Aphasia Summary

Speech recognition app

Speak your text or email messages instead of typing them

Useful if your speech is better than your typing/writing or if you like to use a combination of the two

Type of Software
Easy to use independently
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Speech recognition app

Speak your text or email messages instead of typing them


Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

Dragon Naturally Speaking

SLT Summary

Brief description

  • Speech recognition program
  • As the user speaks into the microphone, the speech is automatically turned into text
  • Can read back &/or listen back to what has been typed

Who could benefit

  • Someone with good speech & listening skills but compromised spelling &/or reading skills


  • Need to train the program to recognise your speech
  • Noise reducing microphones work best
  • Requires good cognitive skills to remember commands & adapt speaking rate


Aphasia Summary

Speech recognition program

As you speak into the microphone, the speech is automatically turned into text

Useful if your speech is quite good but you struggle to write or type


Area Targeted
Type of Software
Easy to use independently
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Speech recognition program

As you speak into the microphone, the speech is automatically turned into text

Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

Word Q Speak Q

SLT Summary

Brief description

  • Word prediction, speech recognition & screen reader
  • The program predicts to aid spelling, gives examples of word useage, reads aloud text on the screen (what you’re typing or what you’re reading).
  • Can also use speech recognition to ‘type’ in words.
  • Can customise the dictionary to improve prediction
  • Screen reader, prediction & speech recognition works within all programs/web pages (e.g. can use within email, social networking sites & web searches)

Who could benefit:

  • People who can spell the first 2-3 letters of a word before getting stuck
  • People who can spell words but sometimes find it easier to say a word


  • All parts of the program work on PC. Mac users only have access to the word prediction & screen reading parts of the program, not the speech recognition part
  • Switch accessible only if using Wivick connection cable
Aphasia Summary

Brief description

  • Help with spelling: word prediction, speech recognition & screen reader
  • Guesses what you want to say, reads aloud text on the screen and types the words you say aloud
  • Works in all programs & web pages (e.g. email, internet, facebook, youtube)

Who could benefit:

  • People who can spell the first 2-3 letters of a word before getting stuck
  • People who can spell words but sometimes find it easier to say a word


  • Mac users only have access to the word prediction & screen reading parts of the program, not the speech recognition part
Type of Software
Easy to use independently
Site Icon
icon Summary

Help with spelling: word prediction, speech recognition & screen reader

Guesses what you want to say, reads aloud text on the screen and types the words you say aloud

Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial