Recognising sounds / letters


SLT Summary

A comprehensive library of activities covering cognition, social emotional skills, language and speech.

Activities intend to enhance receptive and expressive language skills, social communication skills/pragmatics, speech sound production, and cognitive abilities.

Some customisable access features, including cursor type and english accents. Also available in German, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Hebrew. More languages to be added soon.

Self practice report


Aphasia Summary

Activities aimed at supporting:

Cognition: memory, sequencing, planning, recall, general knowledge

Language: word naming, auditory comprehension, picture description, story telling,

Speech: practice sounds, select specific sounds to practice

Social emotional: point of view, inference, identifying emotions

Type of Software
Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
Site Icon
icon Summary

A comprehensive library of activities covering cognition, social emotional skills, language and speech.

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

Advanced Language Therapy Lite

SLT Summary

Free demo app for Advanced Language Therapy

Try out exercises for Advanced Comprehension Therapy, Advanced Naming Therapy, Advanced Reading Therapy & Advanced Writing Therapy apps (search each app separately for more detailed information)

1 trial is provided for each section of each app to enable you to inform purchase decisions for the apps which can be purchased separately or as a bundle in Advanced Language Therapy

Supplier: Tactus

Aphasia Summary

Free demo app for Advanced Language Therapy

Try out exercises for understandingnamingreading & writing

Type of Software
Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
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Free demo app for Advanced Language Therapy

Try out exercises for understanding, naming, reading & writing

Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

Advanced Language Therapy

SLT Summary

4 bundle app containing:

Advanced Comprehension Therapy, Advanced Naming Therapy, Advanced Reading Therapy & Advanced Writing Therapy. We recommend searching each app separately for detailed information on each app however below is a brief summary of each:

Advanced Comprehension Therapy:

Written and auditory comprehension exercises, & sentence building exercises

3 modes: Identify (picture matching), Build (sentence building) & Follow (follow directions). Each set of exercises has 12-16 levels

Advanced Naming Therapy:

4 sets of sentence and conversation level exercises: Using verbs to make sentences; Comparing similar items; Category association naming; Generating conversations

Advanced Reading Therapy:

3 levels of paragraph level reading exercises with functional materials (cards, texts, stories)

Advanced Writing Therapy: Matching letters to sounds; Spelling words to dictation; Typing to dictation; Writing sentences & paragraphs

Free trial: yes, free trial available through Advanced Language Therapy Lite app

Supplier: Tactus



Aphasia Summary

Exercises to work on understandingspeakingreading & writing


Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
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4 apps in a bundle

Exercises to work on understandingnamingreading & writing


Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial


SLT Summary

App designed for creating therapy exercises

Create 'boards' of vocab to practise and incorporate these into spelling games (anagrams, missing letters, word search, cross words) or semantic exercises (odd one out, sorting exercises) or sequencing exercises.  Set up easy familiarisation activities for the user to familiarise themselves with the vocab items

The user can also record their speaking attempts

Suggested photos and voice recordings are provided but you can choose your own if you prefer

Aphasia Summary

App designed for SLTs to create personalised therapy exercises

Area Targeted
Type of Software
Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
Site Icon
icon Summary

App for creating customised therapy exercises (spelling, semantics, sequencing)

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial


SLT Summary

Work on answering questions with help

Questions on current affairs, updated weekly

Work on asking questions and social phrases

Work on people’s names with video and spelling practice

Spelling with sounds

Letter spelling

Rhyme judgement

Reading tasks

Matching tasks

Sentence processing (e.g reversible sentence ordering)

Written & spoken sentence building

Semantic associations

Tasks for working on verbs in a sentence context

Conversation starters

Articulation: 5000+ videos of target words and phrases, including breakdown into individual syllables & phonemes

Features a communication props drawer with maps, drawing board, numbers, time 

Multiple ways to create hierarchies (e.g. according to word length, sound, frequency, number of phonemes)

Video tutorials are provided to demonstrate how the app works & each exercise has its own tutorial to demonstrate how to complete the exercises

Can create multiple therapy sessions and can share sessions over internet

Error handling: Wrong answers are removed; the response is read aloud for the user to judge;  contextual information is given

Prompts/cues: Closure cues; spoken word

Record results: Results are shown after the session with % of items completed correctly. Can request additional details about accuracyspeed and help requested. Results can also be emailed to the clinician.

Option to break up sentence level questions into chunks to support reading and listening


  • Can choose option for items to remain on the screen until the user moves onto the next exercise (i.e. no automatic scrolling onto the next item).  This is useful when used in therapy to discuss the user’s response
  • Advanced settings for SLT to designate exercise features for each exercise set
  • Remote management/allocation of exercises and results

Free version, monthly subscription option, 1 & 3 year subscription options

Aphasia Summary

Includes a comprehensive range of exercises, including:

Work on answering questions 

Questions on current affairs, updated weekly

Spelling with sounds

Reading tasks

Written & spoken sentence building

Tasks for working on verbs in a sentence context

Conversation starters

Video tutorials are provided

Record results

Free version, monthly subscription option, 1 & 3 year subscription options



Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
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Exercises for saying words and sentences and exercises for spelling

Exercises for working on word meanings, spelling and understanding sentences

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial