Listening to conversations


SLT Summary

Practice conversation in real world scenarios using AI avatars

Choose between pre built and 'make your own' scenarios eg coffee shop/ job interview

Track progress through statistical feedback and track improvement over time.

Only available on desktop

Aphasia Summary

Practice conversation with an interactive avatar.

Make your own or use inbuilt scenarios, such as coffee shop, job interview, doctors surgery etc.

Get statistical feedback on your progress

Only available on desktop


Type of Software
Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
Site Icon
icon Summary

Practice conversation in real world scenarios using AI avatars

Choose between pre built and 'make your own' scenarios 

Receive statistics on your improvements

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

Constant Therapy - Clinician version

SLT Summary

60 tasks with a functional bias to work on:

  • Auditory comprehension (sounds/words/paragraphs/rhyming/auditory instructions)
  • Speech (word repetition, picture naming, reading aloud)
  • Semantics (written & spoken)
  • Spelling (picture naming, copying, anagrams, auditory naming)
  • Reading (picture-word matching, reading comprehension, written lexical decision making)
  • Attention
  • Visual processing
  • Time telling
  • Map reading
  • Cognitive function
  • Problem solving
  • Planning
  • Reading & understanding numbers

There are 2 versions of the therapy app - a user version & a clinician version

In the clinician version, the clinician can remotely edit exercise sets and access results


Supplier: Constant


Aphasia Summary

Exercises to work on all areas of language, but also attentionplanning and problem solving within everyday situations


Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
Site Icon
icon Summary

Exercises to work on all areas of language but also attentionplanningproblem solving within everyday situations


Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

TalkPath Therapy

SLT Summary

Writing exercises:

  • Copying letters & words
  • Written picture naming
  • Complete the phrase (spell a word to complete a saying)
  • Sentence scramble (re-arranging words to form a short sentence)

Speaking exercises:

  • Articulation & oro-motor exercises
  • Functional spoken word & phrase repetition
  • Flashcard naming (spoken picture naming of nouns, verbs & adjectives)
  • Naming using semantic feature analysis strategies

Reading exercises:

  • Letter, word and phrase matching
  • Written word/sentence to picture matching
  • Written word sentence completion
  • Article reading based around current news topics

Listening exercises:

  • Spoken word to picture matching
  • Spoken phrase to picture matching
  • Spoken question to picture matching
  • Following auditory directions

There is also a large bank of memory, semantic categorisation & maths exercises 

There is also a large bank of ADL exercises (e.g. reading menus, reading product labels, telling the time and reading calendar entries).

The memory and ADL exercises also work on various language areas e.g. auditory memory, functional reading, semantics, auditory comprehension and inferences.

Error handling: Yes

Prompts/cues: Yes

Record results: Yes, very detailed, specifying which cues were required, which answer was chosen, how long the task took to complete and dates tasks were attempted


• There is only one version for UK, US, Aus

• 3-4 levels of difficulty, depending on exercises

• Very large bank of over 13,500 items

• Reliant on the user self monitoring and knowing whether they named the item correctly or not.

There is no facility for recording speech attempts and the app itself does not determine level of accuracy. This app would therefore not be appropriate for independent use by someone with poor self monitoring

• FREE TRIAL available

Aphasia Summary

Exercises for practising speaking and repeating words, copying letters and spelling words, listening, and also reading letters, words, sentences and phrases. Also exercises for word meanings, remembering, time and number calculations.

Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
Site Icon
icon Summary

Exercises for practising speaking and repeating words, copying letters and spelling words, listening, and also reading letters, words, sentences and phrases. Also exercises for word meaning, remembering, time, number calculations.

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

Constant Therapy - Client version

SLT Summary

60 tasks with a functional bias to work on:

  • Auditory comprehension (sounds/words/paragraphs/rhyming/auditory instructions)
  • Speech (word repetition, picture naming, reading aloud)
  • Semantics (written & spoken)
  • Spelling (picture naming, copying, anagrams, auditory naming)
  • Reading (picture-word matching, reading comprehension, written lexical decision making)
  • Attention
  • Visual processing
  • Time telling
  • Map reading
  • Cognitive function
  • Problem solving
  • Planning
  • Reading & understanding numbers

There are 2 versions of the therapy app - a client version & a clinician version.  The clinician version is free. The client version requires a yearly subscription.


Supplier: Constant


Aphasia Summary

Exercises to work on all areas of language, but also attention, planning and problem solving within everyday situations

Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
Site Icon
icon Summary

Exercises to work on all areas of language but also attention, planning, problem solving within everyday situations

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

Conversation coach

SLT Summary

Type of exercises & brief description             

  • Practising conversations
  • e.g.
  •     turn-taking
  •     listening to conversation partner
  •     staying on topic
  •     communication aid use
  • The ipad starts a topic of conversation and you can practise your responses by replying, commenting, asking questions.

Error handling: None


  • Written phrases or pictures
  • Spoken words or phrases
  • The ipad prompts when it is your turn to respond


  • Can customise conversation topics and content
  • Would need someone to customise the topics and vocabulary to be most useful for someone with aphasia
Aphasia Summary

Practise conversations:

  • turn-taking
  • listening to partner
  • staying on topic

The ipad starts a topic of conversation, you practise replying, commenting, asking questions

The ipad prompts you when it is your turn to respond

Written and spoken words, pictures and phrases


Area Targeted
Type of Software
Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
Site Icon
icon Summary

Practising conversations

Use your own words and topics

Need someone to program in your words and topics


Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

React2 Auditory Processing Module

SLT Summary

Type of exercises:

  • Listening exercises from pre-word level up to conversation level
  • Auditory discrimination (pre-word)
  • Understanding words
  • Understanding sentences
  • Understanding conversations

Developed with SLT: Yes

Theory based: Based on SLT experience

Record own speaking attempts:N/A


Error handling:None

Prompts/cues given:None

Free trial:Yes

Support:Free lifetime technical support via phone, email or online livechat


  • No reading required at all, purely listening exercises
  • The module covers a huge ability range.
  • Each area covered has many sub sections and up to 7 levels within those subsections.
  • The conversation level exercises also work on auditory memory to some degree
  • This program can be purchased as a monthly subscription which gives access to all the modules. This may work out cheaper than purchasing the stand alone module, depending on how long it is needed for. A stand alone, offline version exists for those without internet access.
  • Requires use of a mouse only

Supplier: React


Aphasia Summary

Type of exercises:

  • Listening exercises :
  • letters
  • words
  • sentences
  • conversations

Use your own words? No

Help given: None

Free trial:Yes


  • Easy to very difficult exercises
  • Can buy by module or by monthly subscription
Area Targeted
Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
Site Icon
icon Summary

Listening exercises, from pre-word to conversation level.

This is not an app but it behaves like one

NB: the price guide is for a monthly subscription, not a one-off purchase

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial