Sentence AAC Choices

TippyTalk EDU

SLT Summary

Customiseable app to enable the non-verbal/non-literate user to send text messages to designated communication partners

The user presses a sequence of 2 messages to be automatically sent by text to the communication partner of their choice. All messages are represented by a picture/photo (e.g. I need shopping, please get me some apples)

Pictures, text labels and spoken labels can all be customised

App can be modified remotely (i.e. SLT/carer can change messages on a desktop and it will be immediately available to the user on their tablet/phone)

Aphasia Summary

App for sending texts to friends & family for non-verbal and non-literate users

Type of Software
Easy to use independently
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App to enable non-verbal and non-literate users to communicate via texting technology

Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

TouchChat HD

SLT Summary

7 vocabulary sets are provided:

4 Basic: 4 cell basic vocabulary set

Communication Journey Aphasia: 12 cell  vocabulary set with adult & aphasia orientated vocab

MyCore: 108 cell categorised word bank for those with some literacy & good cognition & semantics

Spelling: 40 cell QWERTY keyboard with word prediction & phrase bank

VocabPC: 12 cell vocab set with activity vocab, category based vocab, carrier phrases

Multichat:15 cell vocab set in 3 versions: adult, adolescent, student. Contains activity vocab, category based vocab, questions & keyboard with word prediction

My Quickchat: 4, 8 & 12 cell layouts designed for AAC users. Adult & child versions available for each layout

3 versions available: Lite, full & full version with WordPower. Lite version doesn't speak & personalised pictures cannot be added - it's for evaluation purposes & couldn't really be used as a communication support

Other features:

Can be personalised with user's vocab & phrases. Pre-progammed vocab is American (e.g. purse for handbag)

User's photos can be used in place of symbols

Can use recorded or synthesised speech.  UK voices can be downloaded

Easy & intuitive to program

Word prediction on the keyboard is not the best available

Aphasia Summary

Use your own photos and vocabulary. Click on a picture/word to speak out your message

Keyboard with word prediction to support spelling

Easy to program


Type of Software
Easy to use independently
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An AAC app with vocabulary specifically for people with aphasia & keyboard with word prediction

Click on a symbol/photo to  speak out your message

Use your own photos, phrases & voice recordings

Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

AlphaTopics - AAC

SLT Summary

Cueing app

Keyboard and topics list to help cue a conversation partner into speech by providing context through topic area and/or initial letter(s)

24 topic areas 

Numbers & keyboard (ABC/frequency layouts)

Laugh button to express pleasure, "huh?" button to express surprise/confusion

No message window so user cannot build a message, they are simply using the keyboard and topics to cue someone into their speech


Supplier: Tactus


Aphasia Summary

Keyboard and topics list to cue conversation partner into topic of conversation 24 topic areas

Type of Software
Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
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Cueing app

Keyboard and topics list to help cue a conversation partner into context of spoken conversation

Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

Speech Assistant AAC

SLT Summary

A basic AAC app. Lists of words to choose from and add your own. 6 categories with up to 50 words in each

Need single word reading to use this app, no photos or symbols are used

It is basic and limited but it's free and could be useful for assessing potential for an AAC system

Aphasia Summary

A basic AAC app

Click on a word to speak it out

Lists of words to choose from and add your own

You need to be able to read single words to use this app

Type of Software
Easy to use independently
Site Icon
icon Summary

A basic AAC app

Click on a word to speak it out

Lists of words to choose from and add your own

You need to be able to read single words to use this app

Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial