
Say it: English Pronunciation

SLT Summary

Name of app

Say it: Pronunciation from Oxford


Type of exercises & brief description


  • Type a word and the app will pronounce it with a human voice
  •  Record your own spoken attempt and compare with the model using audio visual touchscreen analysis
  • Score your attempt according to how you think you did
  • Save your scored words into a personalised word list
  • 2 modes: ‘Look up a word’ to practise specific words or ‘Test mode’ (Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced/Random)
  • Bank of 30,000 British English words to practise in purchased app


Error handling





Record results

No but speech attempts can be emailed to your speech & language therapist


Oxford University Press & Phona limited


App store


·      This is an EFL app designed for foreigners to improve their pronunciation of English

·      Requires good spelling to find the words (or a word list could be provided by a therapist for the user to copy)

·      Using the ‘Look up a word’ mode, the user could practise specific words they wish to practise



Aphasia Summary

Practise speaking words

Type a word and the app will pronounce it

Record your own speech, compare it & send results to your speech therapist

Score your speech according to how you think you did

Look up a word to practise or use the ‘Test mode’ 

Area Targeted
Type of Software
Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
Site Icon
icon Summary

Practise speaking words and comparing to a model. Rate your own attempts

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

Advanced Comprehension Therapy

SLT Summary


Name of app

Advanced comprehension therapy

Type of exercises & brief description       


Written and auditory comprehension exercises, and sentence building exercises


730 items


3 modes: Identify (picture matching), Build (sentence building) & Follow (follow directions). Each set of exercises has 12-16 levels



10-730 items can be selected per exercise


A tutorial is provided to demonstrate how the app can be used



Error handling



In practise exercises, semantic, first letter, written word &  phonemic cues to choose from

Record results

Results are shown after the session with % of items named correctly with and without cues. It also highlights the cues used. Results can be emailed to a designated address.





App store & Google Play store


·       There is only one version for UK, US, Aus and there are a few American words (e.g. zipper, fries, cookies)

·       The results recorded are reliant on the user self monitoring and knowing whether they named the item correctly or not. There is no facility for recording speech attempts and the app itself does not determine level of accuracy. This app would therefore not be appropriate for independent use by someone with poor self monitoring

FREE TRIAL available through Advanced Language Therapy Lite app



Supplier: Tactus


Aphasia Summary

Exercises for working on reading and listening comprehension

Exercises for working on written sentence building

Exercises include: Match pictures to sentences, arrange words in sentences, follow directions.

Adjustable settings to match user needs: difficulty level, colour, speech rate, written/audio word

Record speech and listen back.

Scores and results page for each exercise and email results facility

Free user guide to download



Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
Site Icon
icon Summary

Exercises for working on reading and listening comprehension

Exercises for working on written sentence building

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

Verbal naming

SLT Summary

Type of exercises & brief description:

Photos of nouns are presented for confrontation, verbal naming.  There are 20 items in each exercise set and a total of 10 exercise sets which must be purchased individually

Speech recognition software is used to assess whether the spoken attempt was correct


If the first attempt isn’t recognised, an initial, written letter is provided. If the second attempt isn’t recognised, the word is spoken and written and the user moves to the next item automatically

Record results:

Results are shown at the end of the session. In order to receive results, the professional license must be purchased


  •  It is difficult to identify what some of the photographs are of
  • The items are always presented in the same order
  • Not all regional accents or dysarthric speech are recognised. 
Aphasia Summary

Naming app.  Photos are presented, you must use the microphone to say the word

Area Targeted
Type of Software
Easy to use independently
Site Icon
icon Summary

Naming app.  Photos are presented, you must use the microphone to say the word

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

Memory Exercises

SLT Summary

Exercises for working on short-term memory, working memory, attention and processing.  There is an added function of adding in background noise


Exercises have 2-3 levels of difficulty with 240 exercises in total


·       Recall of visual scenes: 2-6 questions about what the scene depicted. The user must provide a verbal response & decide whether or not it was correct

·       Recall of visual objects: the user must provide a verbal response about the 5 objects seen or the items missing & decide whether or not their attempt was correct

·       Visual/auditory recall of written/spoken words & sentences: read or listen to words/sentences and select from written selection or verbalise the items & decide whether or not it was correct

·       Recall of personal information: verbalise answers to spoken questions or repeat lengthy sentences back & decide whether or not it was correct

·       Recall of recent information: very lengthy auditory information is presented for the user to then verbally respond to questions relating to the information

If using independently, the user must monitor whether their spoken attempts were correct. There is no facility to record own spoken attempts.  There are only a few exercises where the answers are selected from written options

Error handling: none

Prompts/cues: none

Record results: Results are recorded by exercise or by date within the app and can be emailed

Comments:  The results recorded are reliant on the user self monitoring and knowing whether they named the item correctly or not. There is no facility for recording speech attempts and the app itself does not determine level of accuracy. This app would therefore not be appropriate for independent use by someone with poor self monitoring

Aphasia Summary

Exercises for working on short-term memory, attention, processing and working memory

The user speaks their answers for most of the exercises and judges whether or not their spoken response was correct

Area Targeted
Type of Software
Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
Site Icon
icon Summary

Exercises for working on short-term memory, attention, processing and working memory using spoken responses

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

Verbal Reasoning

SLT Summary

Exercises to practise speaking at a sentence or conversation level.  The topics are all around problem solving situations

50 problem solving scenarios where the user must identify the problem, cause and solution in the photo.  The user can record their spoken responses and/r  they can choose from a selection of 3 written choices 

16 exercises providing written scenarios or questions to which the user must respond with a spoken response which can be recorded

Error handling: None

Prompts/cues: the written scenario is also spoken aloud, on the multiple choice exercises, 3 options are provided to choose from

Record results: spoken attempts can be recorded. On the multiple choice exercises, results are recorded. On the exercises where the user is invited to provide spoken responses, the user must judge for themselves whether their response was correct however the fact they attempted the exercise is logged in the reports section of the app so they can look back at previous exercises completed. It is also possible to organise results by date. Results can be sent by email

Comments: after successful completion of tasks, the user is given a jigsaw to solve as a reward.  This option can be disabled

By turning off the audio, the  exercises could be used as  reading exercises

Aphasia Summary

Exercises for practise speaking at a sentence or conversation level

Exercises to work on problem solving

Area Targeted
Type of Software
Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
Site Icon
icon Summary

Exercises for practise speaking at a sentence or conversation level

Exercises to work on problem solving

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

Advanced Naming Therapy

SLT Summary

4 sets of sentence and conversation level exercises:

1. Using verbs to make sentences

250 concrete & abstract verbs. A verb is provided and the user must make 3 sentences by generating content or choosing from multiple choice options. They can write and/or speak & record their options.  The user is then encouraged to expand on their sentence.  6 activties are generated from each verb, encoraging more autonomy with differing levels of cues.

2. Comparing similar items

206 concrete & abstract items are presented in either image or text form.  The user is invited to verbalise how the items are alike and different.  They can record their spoken attempts.

3. Category association naming

320 concrete and abstract categories are provided.  The user must name from 3 to an unlimited number of associated items (e.g. things starting with /r/, appliances). This activity can be timed. There is also the possiblity to carry out a 1 minute semantic fluency test and a 1 minute phonemic fluency test to assess verbal fluency

4. Generating conversations

507 images are provided (e.g. funny food, unusual objects) to prompt description and/or conversation. Questions are provided to prompt the description or conversation.


Error handling: none. The user must decide themselves whether or not the got an item correct

Prompts/cues: In the verb sentences exercises, multiple choice items are provided.  The user can also opt to hear their sentences spoken aloud. Keywords are also provided as hints. No cues are given on the other exercises

Record results: a score is given at the end of each exercise and results can be emailed. The user cannot look back at previous results within the app

Free trial: yes, free trial available through Advanced Language Therapy Lite app

Comments: On-screen, aphasia friendly instructions on how to use the app are provided. Comprehensive written instructions are also provided however these would not be accessible to someone with compromised reading skills


Supplier: Tactus


Aphasia Summary

Sentence level activities for speaking and writing with a focus on verbs

Area Targeted
Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
Site Icon
icon Summary

Sentence level activities for speaking and writing with a focus on verbs

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

Apraxia Therapy

SLT Summary

3 exercise sets:

  • sequences (automatic speech such as ABC, alphabet)
  • 1-6 word phrases (7 levels)
  • 2-5 syllable words (4 levels)
  • 175 exercises in total

The words/phrases are of a functional nature, useful for conversation

Rate of speech can be altered

Visual (video & text) and auditory (spoken) cues given

5 stepped approach to verbal production (listen/tap rhythm/say with model/say with model fading out/say with verbal but no auditory model)

Items can be presented in stepped order of difficulty or randomised

User needs good self-monitoring skills to be able to self-rate whether they got the response correct

Self-ratings and audio recordings can be emailed to SLT

NB audio recordings are with an American accent

A free trial is available through Apraxia Therapy Lite app


Supplier: Tactus


Aphasia Summary

Exercises for practise speaking words and sentences 

Area Targeted
Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
Site Icon
icon Summary

Exercises for practise speaking words and sentences 

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

Number Therapy

SLT Summary

Exercises to work on understanding numbers in the written & spoken form, speaking numbers & writing numbers

Choose to work on numbers in different formats (e.g. money, years, time, fractions, ordinals)

Option to add personalised phone numbers

Option to record spoken attempts

3 difficulty levels

A Free trial is available through the Number Therapy Lite app

Suppliers: App store & google play store


Supplier: Tactus


Aphasia Summary

Exercises to work on communicating about numbers


Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
Site Icon
icon Summary

Exercises to work on communicating about numbers

Available in US and UK English.

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

More speech

SLT Summary




More speech


Type of exercises:


•    3 auditory discrimination activities

•    15 listening activities (single word to sentence level)

•    18 reading activities (letter to phrase level)

•    11 writing activities (copying to whole word phrase completion

•    5 speaking activities (naming & completion tasks)

•    9 graded apraxia exercises

•    4 levels within each activity module

•    All of the listening, reading & writing exercises can be accessed under the memory exercises but there is a delay before responses are required (i.e. to work on auditory/working/visual memory)



Touchscreen or keyboard & mouse


Developed with SLT:



Theory based:



Record own speaking attempts:



Correction of own speaking attempts:



Number of exercises:

Over 5,000


Easy to use?






Error handling:



Prompts/cues given:

Text hints for some exercises


Record results:

Yes but only % score, no detail



Yes, video tutorial


Free trial:

Yes, 14 day free trial






US accent

•    Distractors are unrelated (i.e. not visual/semantic/phonemic)

•    Some exercises work on a combination of skills (e.g. auditory memory + semantics)

•    Can’t record spoken attempts


Supplier details:



Aphasia Summary

A range of activities to work on listeningreadingwriting and speaking

Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
Site Icon
icon Summary

A range of activities to work on listening, reading, writing and speaking

This is online software but it behaves like an app when downloaded to a tablet/phone homescreen


Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

Aphasia scripts

SLT Summary

20 pre-recorded scripts (10 basic and 10 more advanced) are provided for the person with aphasia to practice.  

The SLT can also record personalised scripts using Aphasia scripts editor software which are then downloaded onto the person with aphasia's  player version of the software at home.

First, the user listens to the whole conversation; second the user practices each sentence of the conversation repeatedly; and third, the entire conversation is rehearsed in turn-taking with the virtual therapist.  There is a play back option so the person with aphasia can listen back to their performance.

Aphasia Summary

Practise for speaking specific, scripted talks

Area Targeted
Type of Software
Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
Site Icon
icon Summary

Practise for speaking specific, scripted talks

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial