Sentence level writing

Spell Better

SLT Summary

Word prediction keyboard with text to speech. 5 suggestions are given as you type, these can also be spoken out if you adjust the apple settings. Text size can also be altered

Phonemically similar words to the one being typed are also suggested

Aphasia Summary

 Gives spelling suggestions as you type

Could be useful if you can spell the first few letters of a word before getting stuck

Also speaks the words

Area Targeted
Type of Software
Easy to use independently
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icon Summary

Gives spelling suggestions as you type

Could be useful if you can spell the first few letters of a word before getting stuck

Also speaks the words

Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

Conversation Therapy

SLT Summary

Designed to elicit basic to high level conversation.

Can be used for eliciting verbal or written language.

Can be used to work on any area of conversation: eliciting opinions, making descriptions, making inferences, giving definitions, reminiscing, talking about emotions, making predictions, telling stories or even working on fluency and speech clarity.

Could be used for self practise if the person has a means of recording their speech/writing or could be used during therapy sessions with the therapist.

Results (as rated by the therapist or conversation partner) are recorded and can be emailed.

Can customise the written content to elicit specific types of language or work on particular language areas.

The user can choose to have the questions read aloud.

Free trial available through Conversation Therapy Lite app

Supplier: Tactus

Aphasia Summary

For practising spoken or written conversations.

Can be used to work on any area of conversation: opinions, descriptions, inferences, definitions, reminiscing, emotions, predictions, story telling or even working on fluency and speech clarity.

Could be used for self practise if the person has a means of recording their speech/writing or could be used during therapy sessions with the therapist.

Results (as rated by the conversation partner) are recorded and can be emailed.

You must have good reading skills to be able to use this app. There are no spoken instructions or prompts.


Area Targeted
Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
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For practising conversation skills and longer spoken or written sentences.

Available in English, French, German, Spanish, Dutch, Filipino, Finnish, Italian, Portuguese, Zulu

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

Write Outloud

SLT Summary

Talking word processor (speaks out letters, words, sentences)

Talking spell checker (identifies potential mistakes and offers alternatives which you can listen to before selecting)

Talking dictionary (simplified definitions given which you can listen to before selecting)

Homophone checker (alternatives suggested with a definition to aid selection)

Who could benefit

  • People who struggle to write long sentences
  • People who make frequent spelling and/or grammar mistakes
Aphasia Summary

Talking word processor

Talking spell checker

Talking dictionary

Finds words which sound the same but are spelled differently

Who could benefit

  • People who struggle to write long sentences
  • People who make spelling and/or grammar mistakes
Area Targeted
Type of Software
Easy to use independently
Site Icon
icon Summary

Talking word processor

Talking spell checker

Talking dictionary

Homophone checker

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

Clicker Writer

SLT Summary

Brief description

  • Reading & writing tool designed for children but can be very helpful for people with aphasia who need help with writing & spelling
  • Word prediction (can be personalised)
  • Word & phrase banks by topic or A-Z (can be personalised)
  • Written or picture supported word banks
  • Hear words before selecting
  • Listen back to what you have written
  • Make voice notes to rehearse a sentence before writing it

Who could benefit

  • People who have some spelling but who need writing & spelling prompts
  • People who have no spelling but who would like to write letters/cards

Aphasia Summary

Brief description

  • Reading & writing tool
  • Word prediction (can be personalised)
  • Word banks (can be personalised)
  • Picture support, if needed
  • Hear words before selecting
  • Listen back to what you have written

Who could benefit

  • People who have some spelling need extra help
  • People who have no spelling but who would like to write letters/cards
Type of Software
Easy to use independently
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icon Summary

Reading & writing tool

Word prediction (can be personalised)

Word & phrase banks (can be personalised)

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial


SLT Summary

Brief description

  • Free software which adds text to speech (in Microsoft Word only)
  • It speaks aloud what you are typing

Who could benefit

  • People starting to write in sentences but with some spelling and reading difficulties
Aphasia Summary

Brief description

  • Free text to speech program
  • Only works in Microsoft Word

Who could benefit

  • People with some spelling and reading difficulties
Area Targeted
Type of Software
Easy to use independently
Site Icon
icon Summary

Free text to speech program

Only works in Microsoft Word

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

Dragon Naturally Speaking

SLT Summary

Brief description

  • Speech recognition program
  • As the user speaks into the microphone, the speech is automatically turned into text
  • Can read back &/or listen back to what has been typed

Who could benefit

  • Someone with good speech & listening skills but compromised spelling &/or reading skills


  • Need to train the program to recognise your speech
  • Noise reducing microphones work best
  • Requires good cognitive skills to remember commands & adapt speaking rate


Aphasia Summary

Speech recognition program

As you speak into the microphone, the speech is automatically turned into text

Useful if your speech is quite good but you struggle to write or type


Area Targeted
Type of Software
Easy to use independently
Site Icon
icon Summary

Speech recognition program

As you speak into the microphone, the speech is automatically turned into text

Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial


SLT Summary

Brief description

  • Available as an app and/or software
  • Word prediction (uses grammar smart word prediction & handles phonetic spelling, letter omissions & reversals)
  • List of up to 9 word predictions
  • Can customise the dictionary to improve prediction
  • Text to speech facility to hear the words predicted before selection
  • Can listen back repeatedly to the sentence being composed
  • Customiseable, topic based on-screen word lists  to aid writing
  • Use in social media, email, word processing documents

Who could benefit

  • People who can spell the first 2-3 letters of a word
Aphasia Summary

Brief description

  • App & software
  • Help with spelling
  • Guesses what you want to say, hear the words  before you select
  • Use in social media, email, word processing applications
  • Listen back to the sentence you’re writing
  • Word lists to help with writing

Who could benefit

  • People who can spell the first 2-3 letters of a word before getting stuck
Area Targeted
Type of Software
Easy to use independently
Site Icon
icon Summary

App and software to help with spelling

Predicts words, hear the words and your sentence before you select

Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

Word Q Speak Q

SLT Summary

Brief description

  • Word prediction, speech recognition & screen reader
  • The program predicts to aid spelling, gives examples of word useage, reads aloud text on the screen (what you’re typing or what you’re reading).
  • Can also use speech recognition to ‘type’ in words.
  • Can customise the dictionary to improve prediction
  • Screen reader, prediction & speech recognition works within all programs/web pages (e.g. can use within email, social networking sites & web searches)

Who could benefit:

  • People who can spell the first 2-3 letters of a word before getting stuck
  • People who can spell words but sometimes find it easier to say a word


  • All parts of the program work on PC. Mac users only have access to the word prediction & screen reading parts of the program, not the speech recognition part
  • Switch accessible only if using Wivick connection cable
Aphasia Summary

Brief description

  • Help with spelling: word prediction, speech recognition & screen reader
  • Guesses what you want to say, reads aloud text on the screen and types the words you say aloud
  • Works in all programs & web pages (e.g. email, internet, facebook, youtube)

Who could benefit:

  • People who can spell the first 2-3 letters of a word before getting stuck
  • People who can spell words but sometimes find it easier to say a word


  • Mac users only have access to the word prediction & screen reading parts of the program, not the speech recognition part
Type of Software
Easy to use independently
Site Icon
icon Summary

Help with spelling: word prediction, speech recognition & screen reader

Guesses what you want to say, reads aloud text on the screen and types the words you say aloud

Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

Aphasia Tutor 2 Sentences Outloud

SLT Summary

Type of exercises:

  • Multiple choice and gapfiller sentence, phrase and definition completion

Developed with SLT: Yes

Theory based: No specific theory base, SLT experience

Record own speaking attempts: N/A

Correction of own speaking attempts: N/A

Customisation/personalisation: No

Error handling: None

Prompts/cues given: Can listen to question and hear answer spoken but no actual auditory cues

Tutorials: No

Free trial: Yes

Support: Free, life time technical support via phone, email or online livechat


  • Need mouse to exit before the end of the exercise session
  • Extensive number of items to complete
  • Some flexibility with answers (multiple correct answers)


Have to delete previous answer before correcting a response

Writing tasks but also working on semantics

Need sentence level reading

Spoken answers are with an American accent

Aphasia Summary

Type of exercises:

  • Multiple choice
  • Fill the gaps
  • Complete the: sentence, phrase, definition

Can use own words?: No

Help given: No

Free trial: Yes

Support: Free


  • Need mouse to exit before the end of the exercise session
  • Lots of items


Also works on word meanings

Need good reading

Spoken answers are with an American voice

Type of Software
Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
Site Icon
icon Summary

Exercises for working on written sentences

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial

Aphasia Tutor 2 Sentences

SLT Summary

Type of exercises:

  • Multiple choice and gapfiller sentence, phrase and definition completion

Developed with SLT: Yes

Theory based: No specific theory base, SLT experience

Record own speaking attempts: N/A

Correction of own speaking attempts: N/A

Customisation/personalisation: No

Error handling: None

Prompts/cues given: None

Tutorials: No

Free trial: Yes

Support: Free, life time technical support via phone, email or online livechat


  • Need mouse to exit before the end of the exercise session
  • Extensive number of items to complete
  • Some flexibility with answers (multiple correct answers)


  • Have to delete previous answer before correcting a response
  • Writing tasks but also working on semantics
  • Need sentence level reading


Aphasia Summary

Type of exercises:

  • Multiple choice
  • Fill the gaps
  • Complete the: sentence, phrase, definition

Can use own words?: No

Help given: No

Free trial: Yes

Support: Free

Comments: Need mouse to exit before the end of the exercise session
Lots of items

N.B: Also working on word meanings
Need good reading

Type of Software
Easy to use independently
Number of exercises
Site Icon
icon Summary

Exercises for working on written sentences

Record Results
Prompts/cues given
Theory Based
Can author/customise
Free trial